Having a beautiful smile is possible with dental veneers. Broken, stained, chipped, gapped, and crooked teeth can all be hidden with this restoration. There are two primary types of materials that are used to create veneers. These are composite resin and porcelain.
Porcelain is the most popular material used for veneers. These are usually made at a separate lab from the dental office, created by lab technicians based upon a model of the patient’s mouth. When the veneers are complete, they are sent to the dental office so the dentist can bond them to the patient’s teeth to complete the process. One reason that porcelain is especially popular is that the material resists stains and looks like natural teeth.
The other most common option for creating veneers is composite resin. These are typically made by the dentist in the office, so there is no delay in getting the veneers made at a lab. A benefit of composite veneers is that they require minimal tooth surface and are thinner than veneers made of porcelain.
No matter which type of material you choose for your dental veneers, you’ll need to have a consultation with your dentist to make sure you are a good candidate. Patients who grind their teeth are not suitable for veneers because they can be broken with this type of pressure. Also, patients who are unable break habits like chewing hard items like ice, pencils, or fingernails may not be suitable for veneers.
If you are a good candidate for dental veneers, remember that they are a permanent restoration. This means that you will need to have your veneers replaced if they ever wear out, because once your teeth have had veneers you’ll need to continue wearing them. If you take good care of your veneers by practicing proper oral hygiene, your veneers should last a long time before replacement might be necessary. In the meantime, you’ll be able to enjoy your appealing smile.
Do you live in Bingham Farms or the surrounding area? Our team is ready to help you achieve your smile goals. Schedule your appointment today.